Let us help you navigate how these impact you, your business, your investments, and your estate. Our skilled tax professionals are available to consult with you on an individual basis to determine how you can maximize itemized deductions, participate in tax credit programs, and minimize tax liabilities.
1. Year-end tax planning that includes a full update of your accounting records (including updates of fixed assets and depreciation with adjusting journal entries through October 31)
Separate accounting update and consulting fees will be incurred, based on REDW’s hourly rates. We will ask you to provide a backup of your accounting files and a projection of revenues and expenses for the remainder of the year.
2. Year-end tax planning without updating your accounting records
A consulting fee will be incurred based upon REDW’s hourly rates. We will ask you to provide a current balance sheet and profit & loss statement for the ten months ended October 31, as well as a projection of revenues and expenses for the remainder of the year.