OnDemand Webinar, Downable Guide, & Complimentary Consultation

If you’re a tribal government entity using subscription-based software, your financial statements will soon be held to a whole new accounting standard: GASB 96 – Subscription-Based IT Arrangements (SBITAs), which was issued in May 2020 by the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

GASB 96 applies to government agencies that currently contract the use of cloud-based accounting and other software, including POS and videoconferencing software (like Teams or Zoom), enrollment software, data backup, remote storage, and cybersecurity tools.

REDW’s October 2023 OnDemand webinar covers:
  • The key differences and similarities between GASB 96 and 87 (Leases)
  • Scope and Effective Dates
  • Exclusions
  • SBITA Subscription Term
  • Subscription Asset and Liability
  • Separating Component and Allocation Contract Prices
  • Includes a handy GASB 96 Implementation Checklist – download the guide today!

Download the GASB 96 Guide & Request a Complimentary Consultation

And don't miss the conversation that continues in an Insight in Indian Country podcast where hosts Wes Benally and Mike Dierlam tackle questions raised during the webinar in a helpful Q&A - unpacking complexities in the new standard so you can comply with confidence.

🔉 Insight in Indian Country Podcast

Schedule a 20 minute Free Consultation

Are you on track for implementing GASB 96 and meeting compliance rules? Do you know what you need to do, and by when?

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