April 29-30, 2024 | Seminole Hard Rock Hotel – Hollywood, Florida
As a long-time supporter of the Native American Finance Officers Association (NAFOA), REDW is once again proud to serve as a sponsor of its annual Spring Conference, which this year is being hosted by the Seminole Tribe of Florida. From April 29-30, we will be joining with tribes, state and federal government officials, and leading industry experts to discuss the latest economic issues in Indian Country. Be sure to stop by our booth at the Conference to learn about the many ways REDW continues to support and advocate for Tribes.
Click here for more information.
REDW Senior Manager Hattie Mitchell to Speak
In her capacity as an elected member of GASAC, the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council, Hattie Mitchell will be one of a panel of experts discussing Financial Reporting Model 2.0 and Other GASB Topics at 2:30 – 3:30 pm on Tuesday, April 30.
Find out what is new with accounting standards and information on the soon-to-be-released Statement 103, which will be updating the financial reporting model. Included in the Statement are accounting changes and error corrections, compensated absences, and certain risk disclosures. Our experts will discuss projects in progress covering nonfinancial assets, infrastructure, and revenue and expense recognition will be highlighted.