REDW Advisors & CPAs is honored to recognize the appointment of Director of Client Advisory & Accounting Services Hattie Mitchell, CPA, CFE, CVGA, to the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council (GASAC). Mitchell, a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN), is based in REDW’s Phoenix office and specializes in providing Tribal Nations with strategic planning and outsourced CFO services, as well as COVID relief program guidance. She will serve a two-year term with the GASAC.
The GASAC is responsible for consulting with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) on technical issues on the Board’s agenda, project priorities, matters likely to require the attention of the GASB, selection and organization of task forces, and such other matters as may be requested by the GASB or its chair. The Council has more than 25 members who are broadly representative of preparers, attestors, and users of financial information. This marks Mitchell’s second appointment with the GASB. Prior, she served a two-year term 2023-2024.
Mitchell is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and a Certified Value Growth Advisor (CVGA). Committed to promoting financial literacy across Indian Country, she frequently serves as an instructor for the Tribal Finance and Accounting Program at Oklahoma State University (OSU) and for the Tribal Financial Management Certificate program at Arizona State University. In addition, Mitchell was elected Tribal Treasurer of Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation from 2012 to 2016 and served for several years as the Treasurer for the Native American Finance Officers Association (NAFOA). She is also a former Treasurer for the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) Casino Board, where she oversaw the overall direction and strategic plan for the Casino and related enterprises.
Mitchell has been honored for her leadership, including being named among the Jayhawk Area Council – Topeka’s “Top 20 Under 40” in 2014. She also received the 2013 Native American “40 Under 40” award from the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development (NCAIED). She earned her Bachelor of Business Administration degree with an emphasis in Accounting and Finance from Washburn University and was recognized by The Washburn Alumni Association as the “Graduate of the Last Decade.” In addition, Mitchell studied abroad, both International Politics at Cambridge University in Cambridge, England, Spanish Communication at Cantabria University in Santander, Spain, and both studied and applied case-study method emphasis to make business decisions about real businesses at Harvard Business School’s Summer Venture in Management Program.
About REDW Advisors & CPAs:
Founded in 1953, REDW is celebrating more than 70 years of trusted expertise and growth. From its offices across the Southwest and Pacific Northwest, nearly 350 professionals serve the audit, tax, cybersecurity, business, and financial needs of a wide range of clients, both regionally and nationally, including mid-market businesses, construction & real estate, technology, healthcare, hospitality, professional service providers, and government, including Tribal Nations and their enterprises. The firm takes pride in attracting top talent from across the country who see REDW as a place where they can grow both personally and professionally. For more information, learn about REDW, the firm’s history, or connect on