Practical Guidance from the Experts at REDW
REDW’s National Tribal Practice Team is offering a series of interactive, online workshops that cover a variety of finance and accounting topics unique to Native American Tribes—all free of charge. Register for any or all of these one-hour courses and get ready to gain valuable guidance you can put into immediate practice for your Tribe!
Recordings of past sessions are available for viewing on demand below.
Considerations When Investing Your Tribe’s Assets
Presented by: Paul Madrid, CFA®, CFP®, AIFA®
Does your tribe have excess cash on the balance sheet? Are you concerned about your FDIC insurance coverage? Ever wonder if that cash should be invested for a potentially higher return? Many tribes with excess cash on their books have missed some opportunity for higher returns over the years. Investing in the financial markets is critical for increasing the wealth of your Tribal Nation, but specific steps should be considered before jumping into the markets. This workshop will walk through the necessary steps to start the process of investing your tribe’s assets.

How to Reduce Your Cybersecurity Risks
Presented by: Brian Grayek, CISSP, CMMC-RP, CCSK, ITIL
This workshop is applicable to all operational areas of your Tribal organization, whether you’re in IT, Finance, Accounting, Healthcare, or even HR. We will help you learn how to identify areas of your business that are at the highest risk of being targeted by Hackers and Cyber Criminals and the right questions to ask to determine just how vulnerable your Tribal Nation may be to falling victim to a Cyber Attack.
Those who attended the live workshop were entered into a raffle drawing for a $500 discount off any REDW Cybersecurity service booked in 2023.

Valuation & Financial Due Diligence: Invest with Greater Confidence
Presented by: Brian Foltyn, CVA – REDW Principal, Valuation & Related Financial Services
Prior to investing in a business, it’s important to first assess and verify its historical and projected financial performance. And while it’s impossible to eliminate all risk, REDW can help you make a more informed decision by performing due diligence using the proper tools. This session, prepared especially for Tribal Leaders, looks at how valuation and financial due diligence tools are typically used by investors prior to an acquisition. REDW’s Valuation team then examines and applies general valuation and financial due diligence concepts and definitions to an M&A case study in interactive breakout discussions.